Decentralising youth empowerment schemes timely

Editor, The decision by Government to initiate a new programme, Youth Employment for Global Opportunities (YEGO), to decentralise schemes that are meant to economically empower the youth is commendable.

Monday, May 07, 2012

Editor,The decision by Government to initiate a new programme, Youth Employment for Global Opportunities (YEGO), to decentralise schemes that are meant to economically empower the youth is commendable.Africa’s asset is its youth because they posses enormous energy and potential. Therefore, they need to be helped so that we benefit from their talents and vigor.  We can help them and ourselves by educating Rwandan children and creating job opportunities for them. I am happy that the country has come up with several initiatives aimed at promoting entrepreneurship in general. Surely, by decentralising the youth economic empowerment schemes, Government will be able to better determine the effectiveness of its policies, thus mitigating risks of policy failure.  Of course, the Ministry of Youth and ICT, which is behind this new initiative, needs to be applauded.Wilber MutabaziKigali