Gov’t conducts manpower survey

The Ministry of Public Service and Labour (MIFOTRA) is conducting a national survey to establish the jobs in demand to determine the structure of the country’s labour market.

Monday, May 07, 2012
Government is putting emphasis on vocational and technical skills. The New Times / File.

The Ministry of Public Service and Labour (MIFOTRA) is conducting a national survey to establish the jobs in demand to determine the structure of the country’s labour market.The occupation on demand list survey will comprise the number of jobs Rwandans can be able to do and pinpoint the skills gap that necessitates the hiring of foreign skilled personnel.According to ministry officials, the survey, whose findings will be presented to the cabinet, is also aimed at limiting surplus foreign personnel."The survey will be adjusted after several changes in the labour laws because as time goes on, the more the country closes the skills gap less the number of foreign personnel would b required, thus giving opportunities to Rwandans,” explained Francoise Ngoboka, the deputy Director of Labour and Employment at the Ministry of Labour."Currently, stakeholders are validating the survey and we expect the results to be approved by cabinet soon,” he said.The Labour ministry officials say the current manpower statistics lack detailed information.According to MIFOTRA, there is a slight decrease in the skills gap, a development officials attributed to the government’s emphasis on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).However, there is still a mismatch between supply and demand in the job market especially in the areas of construction, mining and manufacturing which are earmarked as key areas government aims to embark on to close the skills gap. MIFOTRA officials say they aim to increase enrolment in TVET centres from 29,962 in 2010 to 81,348 students by 2014 as well as establish priority sector skills councils and develop national occupation standards.The survey will cover both qualitative and quantitative aspects.The move follows a directive from East African Ministers of Labour and aims at facilitating integration of labour in the region and enhancing appropriate planning for jobs creation.MIFOTRA will also initiate a human resource database after the completion of the survey.