Civil Society should influence policy – RGB

Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have been called upon to influence policy formulation and implementation as they are in direct contact with the population.

Monday, May 07, 2012

Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) have been called upon to influence policy formulation and implementation as they are in direct contact with the population.This was said by Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) CEO Prof. Anastase Shyaka."Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) are key ingredients in ensuring good governance and social development. They have direct contact with the people and this is why we should strengthen them in terms of influencing public policy,” Prof Shyaka said.He said Rwanda Governance Board (RGB) has drawn strategies of empowering civil society organisations in terms of influencing public policy.The move follows a government decision to make RGB a one-stop-centre for civil society and faith based organisations.A recent assessment indicated that the CSOs influence public policies at a rate of 57 per cent but,  according to Shyaka, this is not enough and his office intends to do everything to ensure that the rate increases.Despite the fact that CSOs influence public policies at an average rate, their participation is still a little below as this scorecard puts it at 54.9 per cent."We want to have a visible figure in terms of Civil Society participation. Generally, the mission of CSOs is to ensure the betterment of the people and our mission is to create a partnership between the government and CSOs. We do this by ensuring that we give a better service to the CSOs,” said Shyaka.Last year, RGB set up a steering committee made up of independent analysts to assess project proposals of CSOs of which Rwf 120 million was given to the best 14 CSOs that came up with the best project proposals."Our assistance to CSOs goes beyond financial help, we want to help them with ideas and encourage them to take a lead in the governance of the country so that the people they represent feel the ownership of the success stories in the country,” said the RGB boss.He pointed out that there is an overwhelming will between the civil society and the government to partner and that this is a huge capital for national development.