Changing lives through Gaming

Alex Rwasa resides in Nyarutarama. Every evening, after work, instead of going home, to be with his family, he heads to one of the gaming centre’s in town.

Saturday, May 05, 2012
The General Manager of NAGS, Diana Karengera (L), handing over a Rwf 400,000 cheque to a winner.

Alex Rwasa resides in Nyarutarama. Every evening, after work, instead of going home, to be with his family, he heads to one of the gaming centre’s in town. Actually, he foregoes interacting with friends, children or family members just for the game for at least three hours.Rwasa has been doing this for over three years and says he is not about to give up, but will each day, continue to do as usual. "Some people believe that this is gambling, but on my side, I take it to be entertainment that may even result into earning with out incurring much,” says Rwasa.The 34 year old adds that the game has enabled him to buy a plot of land in Kinyinya Sector of Gasabo district. He has also started construction of a residential house."I used Rwf 180 and I ended up wining Rwf 900,000 in one game and this has followed with many other wins between Rwf 100, 000 and Rwf 500, 000,” he boasts.He explains that the money has boosted his earnings and that he is planning to further invest to have a side or monthly income."When I complete my house, I will rent it out and for the first time, I will expect a monthly income since I am just a businessman,” Rwasa says.He adds, "Just like in any other game, there will always be a loser and for these specific games one who may not be lucky enough can lose.”However, he points out that many times, people win or gain especially when they become familiar with the games saying that experience also matters."Do not go there expecting to earn, but entertainment and if you happen to get a coin, it will be luck and a good evening that day.” Although not every one can be a winner, visiting gaming centre`s in town and neighboring places especially in the evening one realizes how busy they often get. Rwasa is not alone andt many have left these centre`s with a smile one their faces.Eugene Nyirishema is another lucky winner who last month walked away with Rwf 250,000.The 32 year old is a resident of Busasamana Sector in Nyanza district, married with two children.He says that, "I walked in the centre with only Rwf 3,000 but I can not believe that I went home with Rwf 250,000.”After consulting his wife, the couple decided to buy land to have where they can engage in agriculture and animal husbandry."Just like any other husband who discusses with the wife, we have now bought this land and I am sure our yields will increase,” narrates Rwasa revealing that his decision to join gaming was a wise move.He advises others to engage in the game saying they can get what they may not have expected but did not rule out losing.His comment is just like that of Theoneste Bwabo Sindiku who also won Rwf 400,000 far back in 2009.Speaking to more others who have won in gambling, it is clear that they have not let up and have continued to play but even those who have not, still expect to win the reason they said encourages them to play.Gary Clark, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of New Africa Gaming Solution (NAGS), a gaming company that started out in 2000 the industry is promising."We are now operating with 26 branches with plans to have more depending on the identified locations that will be identified in line with the legal requirements,” he says.Clark explains that apart from benefiting individuals, the industry has employed 200 youths something that has positively changed their lives.He adds that, "We are not only focused at making money, but we bring entertainment in style as people can relax or enjoy with others but still give them the chance to win some money.”"We also train our staff to ensure that they provide quality services since the industry is just catching up,” he says.