Were the taxi moto head covers a hoax?

Editor, Whoever thought about the idea of introducing smart head covers for motorcycle taxi clients had come up with a great idea. If I remember well, the initial instructions for the headgears issued given sometime last year.

Friday, May 04, 2012
A Motorcycle transporting a passenger. The New Times / file

Editor,Whoever thought about the idea of introducing smart head covers for motorcycle taxi clients had come up with a great idea. If I remember well, the initial instructions for the headgears issued given sometime last year.

Over the last four months alone, similar instructions and resolutions have been made at least three times. Yet today the whole idea looks to have died a natural death. Taxi moto operators do not provide the head covers and they are not reprimanded for that. It seems the cost of these headgears, at less than Rwf50 each, is the main reason why it has not worked. There has never been a consensus as to who should foot the extra cost – between the taxi moto operator or passenger. Even as the government and police have instructed motorcyclists to bear the cost, the latter are adamant to do so. I wonder why the instructions to that effect were issued in the first place. Or should I say that they were issued without looking into the practicability part of it? The headgears were helpful with regard to preventing possible skin diseases as a result of many passengers sharing a single helmet. It’s unfortunate that we can’t seem to enforce this hygienic practice, and apparently nobody is talking about the matter anymore!Frank Kanyandekwe Kigali