The food pyramid for healthy growth

MY friend visited a homestead recently and came back crying. His host, it seems is a miser and so she always prepares the worst kind of food, not just for herself but for her children as well.

Friday, May 04, 2012

MY friend visited a homestead recently and came back crying. His host, it seems is a miser and so she always prepares the worst kind of food, not just for herself but for her children as well.

How can anyone who has the money to afford good food boil green bananas and beans without even putting onions and tomatoes, but just boils them with salt and gives that to her childen? According to my friend, the children of her hosts were crying foul that they are always sickly because of being served bad food every day. The food pyramid for children is to tell parents, that the child should eat all the food items of various types of food. A healthy diet for children should include lean meat, beans, nuts, fish, milk, dairy products, fruits, grains, vegetables and some fat food pyramid. Nutritionists saw it fit to draw you the pyramid for children because some parents seen not to know that children have different nutritional and dietary needs from that of adults. Children need to follow the norms for children in the new food pyramid, so that they can grow up healthy and strong.The new food pyramid for children is also trying to tell us that children should be given a lot of time to exercise. For example, the body is the best to play good to keep children healthy. Parents can also encourage children to follow the good example, engage in physical activity that is right for their age groups.Just like the adult pyramid, this one is also divided in different sections. The children’s pyramid contains five main categories of food necessary for a healthy diet. Also, the food pyramid emphasizes that foods high in fat, oils and sweets should be eaten in moderation. Child nutrition is important for the overall health condition. A Proper nutrition helps to prevent medical conditions like obesity in children and ensure normal growth; otherwise if you over feed, child obesity is a sure subject, or if the child is underfed then their growth will be affected.Children need to be given foods from the cereal group, including bread, rice, pasta, cereals and corn flakes for breakfast, which provide most of the energy a child needs everyday. All are rich in carbohydrates which release energy, as well as vitamin B that contains folic acid, which helps the body use proteins required for muscle formation.Vegetables and fruits provide many vitamins, minerals and fiber needed for a good digestion. It is therefore important to include a variety of vegetables in your child’s diet. Fruits are excellent sources of vitamin A and C, and minerals such as potassium and fiber, which aid digestion. Fruits are consumed raw and preferably should be washed carefully in advance.Meat is part of the group of foods rich in protein, and helps maintain and repair body tissue and aid muscle formation. With meat, some nutritionists include in this category other foods rich in proteins such as nuts, peanuts, beans and eggs.Dairy products are equally very important in a child’s diet; they include milk, cheese and yogurt. All are good sources of vitamin A, vitamin D, calcium and protein. While Vitamin A is necessary for the eyes, skin and hair, vitamin D plays an important role in calcium absorption in the body used for bones, teeth, muscles and nerves.Last but not least, fats and oils contain essential nutrients for body functioning, but should be eaten in moderation.