VOX POP: Would you live with your in-laws?

“It seems to be hard to stay with your in-laws but holding other factors constant I would stay with them and give them due respect as any other family member from my side.” Alex Kambada

Thursday, May 03, 2012
L-R ( Top row): Alex Kambada, Wilberforce Muhozi, Monica Nyakato, Amanda Kamanzi. L-R( Bottom row): Faith Amolo Alaba,Dauphine Mutoni, Veronica Tindichebwa , Sophie Ingabire

"It seems to be hard to stay with your in-laws but holding other factors constant I would stay with them and give them due respect as any other family member from my side.”Alex Kambada "I wouldn’t mind staying with in-laws because when two people get married to each other they become one family. So I look at them as my own family.”Wilberforce Muhozi "I can’t stay with my in-law because I think when you get married you need more privacy than before and when you are staying with your in-law it becomes hard to achieve.”Monica Nyakato


 "I wouldn’t buy the idea of staying with my in-laws because to some extent there are some inconveniences that they cause and it can affect your marriage. Athough it’s not all in-laws that negatively affect your relationship.” Amanda Kamanzi

"I wouldn’t stay with them, because if it’s a relationship, it’s about two people. When you stay with family and friends it becomes a little too much to handle.”Faith Amolo Alaba


"I wouldn’t mind staying with my in-laws because its one thing that would please my husband to see myself associating with my in-laws rather than distancing myself from them.”Dauphine Mutoni


"Yes I would but I would not adjust anything for them. I do exactly what I want and how I want to. I did not get married to the whole clan!” Veronica Tindichebwa


 "No man is an island. I would stay with them because marriage doesn’t mean a husband and wife only. It goes beyond the two of you in order for it to be called a family.”Sophie Ingabire