Money does buy a little happiness

I recently had to play counsellor to a friend of mine who was nursing a broken heart after she had been accused of being money minded by her, now, ex-boyfriend.

Thursday, May 03, 2012
Alinda Lillian Munanura

I recently had to play counsellor to a friend of mine who was nursing a broken heart after she had been accused of being money minded by her, now, ex-boyfriend.Nowadays, people have fooled themselves into believing that as long as they are in love money is not an issue that can come between them.Well perhaps we should think again. Love might make the world go round but money greases the axle and even if you sit there and deny this but in your heart of hearts you know that money actually does contribute to relationships.‘Money does not buy love’ or so they say. Much as this statement might be true, what are the odds that money has nothing to do with love in relationships, especially today when competitions is high and looking good and feeding well are the biggest priority for all?I was recently told by someone that the statement ‘money does not buy happiness’ is an excuse that rich people came up with to calm the poor people down so that they would not riot because they do not have enough. Truth be told, money has a somewhat big percentage to do with happiness. And if love has a lot to do with happiness then the calculation should not be rocket science; love plus money might just be able to make one moderately happy.To say that money does not matter is very well be wrong especially when men out there want to date a woman that looks good while even the men themselves spend a lot of time on grooming.For men to claim that women are too money minded is without a doubt wrong because even the Bible tells us that man shall toil and work hard while woman is to suffer labour pains.Now do not get me wrong, I do understand that money is not the main source of happiness but men need to stop feeling like they are victims because a girl wants a little up-keep from time to time.Money is the root cause of all evil- this is such a cliché but it carries quite a bit of water. I believe that much as money is important in a relationship it is not the main source of happiness, and true happiness comes from within, and perhaps it can be achieved by having realistic expectations.