Are you having a problem balancing work and home life?

Conflict between work and home is a major issue globally. The incessantly growing day-to-day demands and the increasingly fast-paced economy have blurred the traditional line between work and home life.

Thursday, May 03, 2012
A poor home and work balance can drain you. Net photo.

Conflict between work and home is a major issue globally. The incessantly growing day-to-day demands and the increasingly fast-paced economy have blurred the traditional line between work and home life. With the recent prevalent economic recession, both white and blue-collar workers are failing to draw the line between their work and home life.Elizabeth Mbabazi, an advertising agent with a renowned media company in Kigali and a recently separated mother with two girls aged nine and seven says, "My day usually begins at 5:00am to get my girls ready for school and myself ready for work. My incompetent house-help just up and left one day and I had to assume all her duties. This and my hefty work schedule have become routine and I am overwhelmed by it all”.Working women all over the world can certainly relate to Elizabeth’s experience and admit to going through the same ordeal. The work-home issue affects men as well, though in most cases they do not have to endure the most of domestic duties back home. A supervisor at a busy hot spot in Kabale district in Uganda, Silver Mangeni says his work schedule takes up all his time and energy and he is so worn-out when he gets back home to his wife and son Job. "I feel like I’m drifting away from my family, the connection is almost not there and I am stressed immensely”.Given the ever-increasing cost of living, the major concern is obviously to have a stable job that will guarantee enough income to sustain the family wholesomely. Therefore, if someone is suddenly out of work, the automatic task is to take vigorous action to find another job. The problem comes in when one fails to balance their life and work.According to online sources, a good balance leads to better productivity and a healthy mind. The disregard for the balance can eventually lead to decreased productivity and in the worst case to ‘burnout’. A lack of balance can also lead to a dysfunctional life at home. Working late every day and over the weekends is unfair to one’s spouse and family.What measures can be taken to achieve a win-win situation between work and home? According to, there is no single formula for attaining a balanced life. It is a personal decision how one combines their career, spouse/significant other, children, friends and self into an integrated whole. The key is to develop creative solutions as you approach the challenges of balancing the responsibilities and joys of your multiple roles. Some of the same skills and strategies you use at work such as planning, organizing, communicating, setting limits and delegating can be used effectively on the home front for achieving a satisfying, fulfilling and well-balanced life both personally and professionally.