More vigilance needed along DRC border

Editor, It’s sad to hear that innocent Congolese civilians are, again, being driven away from their homes in the ever-volatile eastern DRC region.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Editor,It’s sad to hear that innocent Congolese civilians are, again, being driven away from their homes in the ever-volatile eastern DRC region. Thousands of them have now sought refuge in neighbouring countries, including Rwanda and Uganda. Nonetheless, the UN has warned against allowing these refugees in without undergoing thorough security checks.  I hope Rwanda has taken enough precaution to prevent any rogue elements from taking the advantage and smuggle illegal arms across our border. Such a situation could easily result in dangerous consequences.

Concerned citizenRubavu Editor,Every human being needs and deserves to live a decent life. It’s unfortunate that our brothers and sisters in the DRC are now running away from their homes because of the renewed clashes between government forces and the rebels. The eastern DRC has served as a safe haven for numerous rebel and militia groups for quite some time at the detriment of the local communities. I thank the governments of Rwanda and Uganda for having accepted to host the terrified refugees. I urge regional states to try and find a solution to the new crisis through peaceful means. Otherwise, let’s keep praying and hope that God restores lasting peace in eastern DRC sooner rather than later.Nathan AmootiMatimba