We need to revisit our education system

Editor, Reference is made to Diana Mpyisi’s article titled, “Where are our cultural creatives?”, The New Times, May 2. That was strong message, Diana. I personally think that the issue can be approached in a wider sense by Ministry of Education.

Thursday, May 03, 2012
Students doing exams in the past. The NewTimes / File.

Editor, Reference is made to Diana Mpyisi’s article titled, "Where are our cultural creatives?”, The New Times, May 2. That was strong message, Diana. I personally think that the issue can be approached in a wider sense by Ministry of Education. The ministry should first design a curriculum that favours reading and writing as it does with sciences. I don’t think that a public library will be enough. When I look at the issue it goes down from the education system laid by the colonial masters. Students should have books to read and graduate to other levels in secondary and primary schools. But before that, do we have enough books that reflect our culture and literature? Secondly, and very important, the strong awareness that is out there only talks about sciences and technology. It is high time that our leaders embraced the importance of all subjects in development. In fact, people can excel in art disciplines quickly compared to math and engineering, it only takes passion and uncovering hidden talents. We don’t have the best engineering labs, our computer engineering students touch keyboards for the first time at university and a few in high schools. Albert Enstein also said that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expect better results. Larry Kigali