Huye District employees urged to work with devotion

HUYE-As the world marked the International Labour Day on Tuesday, Huye District employees were urged to handle their tasks with courage and devotion in order to contribute to the development of the nation.

Thursday, May 03, 2012
Huye District Mayor, Eugene Kayiranga Muzuka

HUYE-As the world marked the International Labour Day on Tuesday, Huye District employees were urged to handle their tasks with courage and devotion in order to contribute to the development of the nation.They were also advised to promote a spirit of teamwork in order to improve on the services they offer. The advice was given by Mayor, Eugene Kayiranga Muzuka, who thanked them for their wok, saying Rwanda had moved on after the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.He, however, observed that the road to development was still long and called for more efforts. , "A job well done earns one respect and dignity,” he saidAs part of the celebrations, the district rewarded three outstanding employees with certificates and cash prizes, ranging between Rwf 60,000 and 100,000.