Man arrested for attempted murder

Police in Musanze is holding a man suspected of having paid an assassin to kill two of his children.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Police in Musanze is holding a man suspected of having paid an assassin to kill two of his children. The man paid to do the job instead tipped off police which arrested the suspect. The children aged 6 and 8 belonged to his wife who had filed a case of neglect and harassment with the local authorities.It’s alleged that the plot was hatched when the suspect’s wife accused her husband of not providing child support and demanded for the share of the land. The two children’s mother is the suspect’s second wife.     The 38-year old suspect of Nturo cell, Rwaza sector, reportedly hired one Jado Munyaneza to kill and dump the children’s bodies in River Mukungwa. "He promised to offer me Rwf 80,000, and paid an advance to have the children killed. I accepted because I wanted to save their lives. When I got the advance payment, I took them at night and alerted the police,” Munyaneza told The New Times.