Go dancing: It is a fun way keeping fit

‘Dancercise’ has become the newest craze among fitness freaks. From helping you to lose weight and tone your muscles to inculcating grace and poise, dance is an inexpensive and fun way to keep fit. Here’s how it works

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

‘Dancercise’ has become the newest craze among fitness freaks. From helping you to lose weight and tone your muscles to inculcating grace and poise, dance is an inexpensive and fun way to keep fit. Here’s how it works • Burns calories: Dance, unlike any other exercise form, involves movements that are isolator and coordinate almost every part of the body. In fact studies show that, dancing can burn up to 300 calories per hour. • Stress buster: Dancing feels like fun rather than exercise, which is good thing since exercise can become a chore after some time.  Moreover, dances such as the rumba or jazz are as aerobically challenging as jogging, and the tango can work your heart harder than a game of squash. Those with hectic schedules often look to dance as a stress buster. Experts say, relaxing and de-stressing dancing releases tons of good endorphins, which simply keep you happy and put you in a positive frame of mind. • Inner massage: Dancing rejuvenates the internal organs. If internal exercises such as vigorous sport, weight training, aerobic classes, running, etc, are not balanced by internal exercises, the organs will be depleted and result in premature ageing. Dancing harnesses vital energies to rejuvenate the internal organs that produce hormones and thus replenish the overall hormonal balance in the body. It energizes the body and heals the internal organs at the same time.• Mental stimulation: Trying to remember each move and step not only ensures a good physical workout, but a sound mental state as well. Researchers have found that dancing also reduces the risk of developing Alzheimer’s.• Grace and poise: Dancing helps you to develop grace and poise. Dancing has the power to change your body language and makes you stand out in a crowd. It teaches you to stand taller with your shoulders held back, your tummy in and your chin held high. So if you’re yearning to add grace to your carriage, fit into trendy designer wear and stays stress free, then try adding dance to your fitness routine and feel the difference. • Muscle power: Dancing is a form of weight bearing exercise and helps to strengthen the weight bearing bones.• Healthy heart: Dance boosts your cardiovascular system by getting your heart pumping as you keep up with the moves, swinging and swaying from hips to shoulders. It is also a great way to build endurance and energy levels.You don’t have to be Madonna or a Shakira to get your body grooving. All you need to do is put on your dancing shoes and whirl away not just your blues, but the extra kilos as well.