THE MEN’s CORNER: Questions women should never ask their men

I really love my girlfriend, and I know most gentlemen love theirs as well. But some questions you ask us really leave us with nothing to do except get annoyed. Here are some offending questions:

Wednesday, May 02, 2012
couple argues over questions asked by the lady. Net photo.

I really love my girlfriend, and I know most gentlemen love theirs as well. But some questions you ask us really leave us with nothing to do except get annoyed. Here are some offending questions:"Is she prettier than me”?Seriously, does it matter is she is prettier than you? The fact is that I am with you not her and I am contented. But even if she is, aren’t you asking us to lie to you? Stop making us sin for no good reason.Another question is, "Would you do what we always do together with your new lady if we broke up”?Why do you want us to cross that bridge before we reach there? Of course we will have to lie. And yes, we will do exactly the same things with the new girlfriend."Am I your dream lady?” You may or may not be. But in case you aren’t, do you want an honest answer? Of cause not. Then stop asking for trouble. "Will you tell me everything in your past if you trust me”?I may have a dirty past, but I am now older and mature; plus, you want my present, not my past. So, can we put the past behind us and focus on the present? "Have you ever crushed on another lady when with me?” Getting mild crushes are very normal and when this occurs you don’t have to share them with your woman. Plus even the best of husbands have small crushes but not letting the crush take the best of you is what makes the difference between the real men and boys.