THE MEN’s CORNER: It is okay for women to ask men out

I really do like this guy in one of my classes and we do talk here and there. I do suspect he flirts with me sometimes but he has yet to make a move.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012
u201cItu2019s a guy thingu201d

I really do like this guy in one of my classes and we do talk here and there. I do suspect he flirts with me sometimes but he has yet to make a move. I wouldn’t mind going on a date with him but I don’t want to come off as aggressive or face rejection. Do guys want girls to ask them out or is that weird? Anyway what would you advise?Jennifer.Hello Jennifer,Let me tell you a story. About six years ago a young lady walked up to me and without fear or unease asked me to be her boyfriend. I hadn’t really thought about asking her out but we were good friends and we had flirted on occasion. Honestly, when she asked my head went a bit blank but eventually I said yes. Why did I say yes? I said yes because I fell in ‘love’ with her confidence and sheer bravado. It is quite extraordinary to witness a confident girl in full flow. And honestly, what man wouldn’t want to date such a woman?All you need to do is totally believe that there is only one answer to your question and you will be home free. Honestly, I don’t think that a girl asking a boy is such a big deal. But perhaps you should honestly ask yourself if the lucky fellow can handle such a question. Some guys simply cannot handle a strong woman who knows what she wants. And in that case, why would any woman want a man like that?If you have a question that you’ve always wanted to ask a guy email me