Some old fashioned tactics simply don’t work anymore

Years back, some of the stunts women pull today to score themselves a guy worked like wonders. In fact, those moves were simply genius. Starting a family wasn’t even half as hard as it is today.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012
Some women think a pregancy will help keep their man. Net photo.

Years back, some of the stunts women pull today to score themselves a guy worked like wonders. In fact, those moves were simply genius. Starting a family wasn’t even half as hard as it is today. A certain lady, whose name I will not mention, told me that the only way she could get her man to be serious was to get pregnant. I was not only appalled by how naïve she was, I also found it rather distasteful. I mean it is one thing having a baby with a man who doesn’t seem to want one, but to go ahead and think that the baby will be the answer to your problems is something else. Sure women back in the day had babies and instant husbands when they did. But that was because if the guy didn’t marry her, her father would certainly kill him.Today, a man can knock you up and then swear on the graves of his ancestors how he has never seen you before in his life. Wait – scratch that – they don’t have to deny knowing you or the bulging belly – they simply move on with their lives. What you do with your swollen belly is up to you!It’s a shame some women still think that getting pregnant is the way to entrap a man. When you look at the older generation, mostly people in their 70’s now, you will notice marriages that have blossomed for over30 years or so. The way we manage our romantic relationships now is completely different to how the previous generations did only a few decades before us.What happened to those simple ingredients? Why is it women these days worry about biological clocks at 27? I heard women back in the day had their last kids at 21! The truth is, we do live in a different society than the one our parents and those before them. Today, we are constantly bombarded with images of the ‘perfect’ life, we are drawn in by all the very many options available to us, we can easily divorce without being seen as the untouchable of the local village, we can have children out of wed-lock and not be sent away to stay with a distant relative. Some of these things were simply unheard of decades ago. And this is why marriage seemed a lot better than it does today. But much as I would love for the father of my kid/s to be present in our lives, I would never want a man to marry me out of obligation. Now that is truly old fashioned.That is why I don’t get women who think pregnancy is their way to a happy home. For some, even in this day and age, it does get them the home. Some think its luck, I think it’s sorry; for I wouldn’t want to spend the rest of my life wondering what my husband’s thinks when he looks at me.There is value in some of the things our parents taught us, but then again, they were in different times!