Let us pray for the acid victim

Editor, Reference is made to your story about a Kigali nurse who was attacked by her jilted lover with acid.

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Editor,Reference is made to your story about a Kigali nurse who was attacked by her jilted lover with acid. This cowardly attack on the innocent Vestina Nyiransabimana has left her disfigured for the rest of her life, and perhaps also potentially incapacitated. It is hard to believe it.I hope the authorities will do whatever it takes to locate her attacker and prosecute him. The assailant is an evil person whom I believe enjoys seeing others suffer.For the courts, they need to impose the maximum sentence that reflects the deep injuries inflicted on this poor woman. Such crimes are common is most regional countries. We must nip it in the bud before it becomes a real threat in Rwanda.Mwene KalindaKigali


Editor,The attack on Ms Vestina Nyiransabimana was barbaric and investigations must be carried out to bring the suspects to book. It appears it was not one person involved. That was an act of sheer madness. It is unbelievable how much evil some people carry within themselves. This so called Dadi (the key suspect) must face the law and punished accordingly.Are human beings evil by nature? How could someone use acid to attack a fellow human being? So wicked…HaleneKigali