Who is a good friend?

Sometimes, it is difficult to spot the characteristics of a good friend. People often mistake a good friend for someone who is fun to be with. Here are a few ‘good friend’ characteristics every teen should keep in mind.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012
It is nice to have a friend you share the same interests with. Net photo.

Sometimes, it is difficult to spot the characteristics of a good friend. People often mistake a good friend for someone who is fun to be with. Here are a few ‘good friend’ characteristics every teen should keep in mind.There is more to friendship than just having fun. It is during the not so fun times that a true friend is realised. Fights, jealousy and envy are all part of the tests friends go through. Friends who make you laugh and smile when you are feeling low are definitely worth having. Strike a friendship with people you have similar interests in. Girls usually like having friends who they can share their gossip about boys with and maybe go shopping. Boys however, love the company of friends who enjoy sports and watching games. Friends also provide fulfillment on a deeper level. Connecting positively with another human can make a person happier. All in all, a good friend is one who is willing to be there for you no matter what. A good friend is one who will understand and respect your decisions even when they seem a little crazy. Try and install the same characteristics in yourself that you would love in your friends. That way, the friendship will be even stronger because you both value each other. Keep in mind that the value of friendship is more precious than all the luxuries in this world.