Liberal Party opens office in Byumba

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — The Liberal Party (PL) last Sunday opened an office and hoisted the party flag in Byumba town of Gicumbi district.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


GICUMBI — The Liberal Party (PL) last Sunday opened an office and hoisted the party flag in Byumba town of Gicumbi district.

Officiating at the ceremony, the Northern Province party President MP Evariste Kalisa, said their party was working in line with government’s policy of decentralisation.

"We have opened PL offices in the entire Northern Province and our party supporters are represented from village to central government level," said Kalisa.

PL officials clad in party colours, urged their faithful to adhere to government programmes of economic revolution, the fight against genocide ideology, decentralisation and to prepare for the forth coming parliamentary elections slated for September this year.

Also present was the PL National Treasurer, Evariste Kimenyi and the party’s Gicumbi district chairman Jean Baptist Ngarukiyintwari.
