Employees must be treated well

Editor, I read, in The Sunday Times, a story which quoted the Minister of Public Service and Labour warning employers against harassing their employees.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Editor,I read, in The Sunday Times, a story which quoted the Minister of Public Service and Labour warning employers against harassing their employees.

Not so many months ago, I also read in this newspaper that 80 per cent of cases at CESTRAR, the main national umbrella for labour unionists, involved unlawful dismissal of workers.Not all employers are bad as we have many understanding and professional employers. But it is also a fact that some harass their staff. Some employers treat workers in total disregard of laws governing employment.I totally support the Ministry of Public Service and Labour that employers who are discovered to have repeatedly harassed their employees face the law.The ministry must also set clear rules to ensure that employees who are illegally fired are reinstated.Stella TetaKigali