The tech behind home theatres

Until recently, the best way to watch a movie was to go to a movie theater. The introduction of Video Cassette Recorder (VCR) made it easier for people to rent or buy movies and watch them from home.

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Until recently, the best way to watch a movie was to go to a movie theater. The introduction of Video Cassette Recorder (VCR) made it easier for people to rent or buy movies and watch them from home. But televisions did not compare to movie theaters’ huge screen and surrounding sound systems. Not only did television have comparatively tiny screens and lower quality speakers, formatting a movie to fit the screen got rid of a substantial part of the picture. Now, more and more people are turning their ordinary TV rooms into home theaters. This used to involve a projector and screen, and it was too expensive for most people to afford. But advances in technology have given people more choices for home theater setups and some people find a home theater better in respect to picture and sound greatness. One has got a lot of decisions ahead when looking for a home theater.Home theaterGenerally a home theater system is a combination of electronic components designed to recreate the experience of watching a movie in a theater. When you watch a movie you watch one on an ordinary television.There are a few main cases that make watching TV and going to the movies very different. The reasons are; With a theater you will hear music, sound effects, and dialogue not just from the screen but all around you. This is due to the fact that a standard movie theater has three speakers behind the screen. One to the right, one to the left and one in the center screen-one to the right, one to the left and one in the center and several theater.The second chief cases of the theater experience are the large size of the movie screen. In a theater the screen takes up most of your field view, which makes it very easy to lose yourself in the dark with only one thing to look at and everything you are looking at seems much bigger than life.We also enjoy going to the movies because we can see everything so well. Film projectors present very large clear pictures .The detail is much sharper than what we can see on an ordinary 19 inch television, and the movement is much more fluid. We may not consciously recognize this, but it does make a significant difference in how we enjoy a movie. When we can see more detail, we are more engrossed in the world of the movie.Needs of a home theaterMajor components of a movie theater experience are large; clear picture and surround sound- different sound information comes out of the various speakers system. To build a home theater, then, you need to recreate these elements. At the bare minimum, you need a large screen television (at least 27 inches across, measured diagonally) with a clear picture, at least four speakers, equipment for splitting up the surround-sound signal and sending it to the speakersIn the end your home theater system depends on how much money you are willing to spend and how important certain areas of performance are to you.Surround Sound BasicsThe main thing that sets a home theater apart from an ordinary television setup is the surround Sound. For a proper surround sound system, you need two to three speakers in front of you and two to three speakers to your sides or behind you. The audio signal is split into multiple channels so that different sound information comes out of the various speakers.The most prominent sounds come out of the front speakers. When someone or something is making noise on the left side of the screen, you hear it more from a speaker to the left of the screen. When something is happening on the right, you hear it more from a speaker the right of the screen.The third speaker sits in the centre, just under or above the screen. It [lays all the dialogue and front sound effects so that they seem to be coming from the center of your television screen, rather than from the sides.These sounds get split up by the audio/video receiver that is the real heart of a home theater.The ReceiverThe audio/video receiver and amplifier assembly in a home theater does the same job as the receiver and amplifier assembly in any stereo. It receives signals from various input devices like a VCR, DVD player or satellite dish. It interprets and amplifies those signals and then sends them to output devices –your television and sound system.The receiver’s components are audio/video inputs for video sources (DVD player, DVR), preamplifier, Surround sound decoder, power amplifiers for each sound channel, outputs for speakers and television.Surround Sound Format Audio/video receivers decode the surround sound information encoded in video signals and drive the appropriate speakers.The sound system is what really makes a home theater experience complete, but the first thing you‘ll probably notice when you sit down in front of a theater setup is the television.Television ReceptionThere are a number of options taken to watch television in your home theater .The popular options are broadcast television (the signals you can pick up with a rabbit –ear antenna) and cable television, which generally has a better picture than traditional cable.The main advantage of both broadcast and cable is price –broadcast is free and cable is less expensive than satellite. Cable and broadcast television always carry local stations while satellite service may not. For maximum use of your home theater while you are watching television you should consider getting a direct satellite system such as DIRECTV or DISH Network.The main advantage is that one can view many channels .This is done on pay of monthly fees.Putting it all togetherOnce you have the entire component there other factors to keep in mind when choosing and arranging the home theater room.Factors include;-Enclosed Space This gives the best sound quality unlike the open rooms that don’t have ideal acoustics. You may need to employ curtain walls to down on disruptive echoes .For the same reason you need a carpeted floor than wood or linoleum floor.Position of television setPlace the set in an easily visible position to avoid craning of one’s neck. It shouldn’t be in a place that gets a lot of glare from outside.Position of the sound system.You should set the three front speakers up so that they are spaced evenly, all at about the same height also. Also, make sure they are near the level of television screen so that the sound seems to be coming from the action and actors you are watching on the TV. The idea is that you shouldn’t be made aware of the speakers when you watch a movie –your attention should be on the movie.Subwoofer placement;For the best rumbling effect, however, you should put the subwoofer on the floor against a wall—this will help the low frequencies carry through the room.Lighting SystemAvoid a lot of bright light in your home theater because this may cause glare on the screen or distract from the movie. But you don’t want a completely dark room; because the high contrast of the light from the screen may strain your eye .A home theater should have soft ambient lighting connected to a dimmer. You can now create your home theater.