900 litres of kanyanga burnt

  NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — Efforts to curb down the use of illicit drugs and local potent gin commonly known as Kanyanga have continued to bear fruits in Gicumbi district.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


GICUMBI — Efforts to curb down the use of illicit drugs and local potent gin commonly known as Kanyanga have continued to bear fruits in Gicumbi district.

On Tuesday officials of the prosecution department at Gicumbi court of Higher Instance and police set ablaze 900 litres of the gin and 58kg of Marijuana.

Vincent Niyonzima, the district court prosecutor said the materials were impounded from different dealers by police at different locations in Gicumbi.

He blamed the escalating cases of the business in Gicumbi to its closeness to western Uganda where the gin is freely brewed.

"We try to sensitize the population on the health hazards and security threats associated with the consumption of Kanyanga in Amatorero, Umuganda and in Cell or Sector meetings," said Niyonzima.

Niyonzima said most of the drugs set ablaze was uprooted from people’s gardens. Marijuana is Illegal in Rwanda. The Rwanda Penal Code, articles 272 and 273 prescribe jail terms ranging from three to five years on conviction.
