14 Taliban militants killed in operations in Afghanistan

FOURTEEN Taliban militants were killed and 16 others detained during military operations conducted by Afghan forces and NATO-led coalition troops within the past 24 hours, the Afghan Interior Ministry said Monday morning.

Monday, April 30, 2012

FOURTEEN Taliban militants were killed and 16 others detained during military operations conducted by Afghan forces and NATO-led coalition troops within the past 24 hours, the Afghan Interior Ministry said Monday morning."Afghan police, Army and NATO-led Coalition Forces launched five joint cleanup operations in Kabul, Nangarhar, Zabul, Logar and Ghazni provinces over the last 24 hours, killing 14 armed Taliban insurgents and detaining 16 other armed insurgents,” the ministry said in a statement. The joint forces also discovered and confiscated six AK-47 guns, one rocket launcher, two PKM machine guns and three anti-vehicle mines, the statement said, without saying if there were any casualties on the side of security forces.Taliban insurgents, who have intensified activities since the beginning of spring, known as "fighting season”, have yet to make comments. Over 530 insurgents have been killed and more than 1,170others detained in the country over the past four months, according to the figures released by the Afghan Interior Ministry.