Employers asked to ensure safety and health for workers

Employers have been called upon to uphold the safety and health of their employees.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008
L-R: CESTRAR Secretary General Eric Manzi, Prof Bernd Tenckhoff and Rik Desmet lit candles in memory of workers who died in duty related accidents. (Photo/J Mbanda)

Employers have been called upon to uphold the safety and health of their employees.

The call was made on Monday by Professor Bernhard Tenckhoff, Director of Operation Safety Management at Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST) during a one day workshop at Hotel Novotel Umubano, Kigali.

The workshop was held to commemorate the International Day of the Dead and Wounded Workers on Work and was attended by key players concerned with worker’s health and safety in the country.

The function, characterized by candle lighting and an aerie of silence took place yesterday at Hotel Novotel.

"It is very important for employers to deal with the occupational safety and health for their workers here in Rwanda because this will ensure success and development in the country," said Tenckhoff.

The German expert said that the government should work hand in hand with trade unions in ensuring the safety and health of workers in the country.

"Trade unions should work together with the government as partners and not competitors that’s why we have delegates from the Ministry of Labour," he added.

At the same occasion, the Director of Labour in the ministry, Julie Mukamana said that the problem of job scarcity in the country was being addressed.

"Many jobs were created after the laying off of many workers in the public sector," Mukamana said.

She added that many people had become job creators and were being facilitated in acquiring loans from micro-finance institutions.

The Secretary General of CESTRAR Eric Manzi said that it was an opportunity to remind people that taking risks at work remains a big problem.

"We interpret it to the government, show them that it is the government with the first responsibility to minimize the workers exposure to risks," Manzi said.

According to (CSR), 800 cases of accidents were reported between 2005 and 2007.

The ceremony was organized by CESTRAR in collaboration with the General Federation of the Belgian workers (GTB) and other partners was under a theme; "A safe and healthy guaranteed work place,"

More than two million workers die and 1.2 million are wounded every year in unhealthy or unsecured workplaces.
