Serena Africa supports Genocide orphans

Employees of Serena Hotel across Africa have initiated a support campaign to help vulnerable children orphaned by the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Employees of Serena Hotel across Africa have initiated a support campaign to help vulnerable children orphaned by the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.Yesterday, a total of Rwf3.5million and an assortment of domestic and scholastic materials were presented to 300 orphans most of whom are students.The orphans are members of Abahumuriza a survivors’ umbrella association.Shortly after leading a "walk to remember” in  Kigali City, Charles Muia, the General Manager of Kigali Serena hotel said that there is a better way of providing sustainable support to the orphans.He explained that interested students are facilitated to undertake hotel and hospitality education courses in schools from which they are offered the opportunity to get employment at Serena."We have decided to demonstrate our full commitment by supporting these orphans but we intend to take on bigger numbers in the future,” he said.He revealed that the initiative started three years ago but now other Serena Hotels all over Africa have joined the campaign.A 35-year old Jean Damascene Safari is one of the beneficiaries and he said many had gained a lot from the association."Apart from the financial support, we have the opportunity of discussing and sharing our past experiences which helps in building a brighter future,” he observed.Safari, who is currently a mushroom farmer, explained that despite being the only survivor in his family, he is overwhelmed with new and good feelings of "being a member of one big family.”