Social Marketing NGO launched

Society for Family Health (SFH), the first Rwandan National social marketing non-governmental organization was launched yesterday.

Sunday, April 29, 2012
Health minister Dr. Agnes Binagwaho unveils a banner at the launch of the NGO. The Sunday Times/ T. Kisambira.

Society for Family Health (SFH), the first Rwandan National social marketing non-governmental organization was launched yesterday. The NGO aims to ensure ownership of the social and behavior change communication and social marketing programs.SFH will be operating on national level to improve the health of the poor and vulnerable in Rwanda mainly through social marketing of health products, services and health communications. The Minister of Health, Agnes Binagwaho, who presided over the launch of the NGO, urged the SFH staff to always have a message to give to the population and a clear voice that they will understand.She noted that they still have a long way to go to build capacity and promised the Ministry of Health’s support to SFH."It’s going to take a lot of hard work to make this organization a success and we shall offer our support since we are fighting for the same cause, to improve the health of Rwandans,” she said.According to Dr. Felix Kaigamba, the Chairperson of SFH Board of Trustees, the NGO will mainly focus on serious challenges such as HIV/AIDS and barriers to maternal health. Among  other challenges that he highlighted included  lack of family planning, malnutrition and diseases that are a threat to children under five years such as Malaria, Diarrhea and Pneumonia.Zach Akinyemi, the Acting Executive Director of SFH said that social marketing ideologies, are important and need to be integrated in studies at the school of public health.He further emphasized the need to focus on vulnerable people and the population at risk through social marketing and behavior change communication.SFH has now started its operation with initial funding from PSI to implement the Global Fund Malaria program activities. It will maintain a link with the PSI global network to ensure continuous access to international practices and lessons.