Embracing men’s slim-fit shirts

A big number of men feel its unfair judging a person by the way they are dressed, they think it would only be proper if a person is judged especially at their workplace based solely on their performance. Unfortunately, that’s not how the world works. People judge you according to how you dress and appear.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

A big number of men feel its unfair judging a person by the way they are dressed, they think it would only be proper if a person is judged especially at their workplace based solely on their performance. Unfortunately, that’s not how the world works. People judge you according to how you dress and appear. How you choose to dress each morning reveals how you feel about yourself and what you do, but though this is the case, when it comes to shopping clothes, most men easily get bored, they normally lose patience after trying with a few pieces of clothing. A man will grab the nearest shirt on the rack, pay and leave the boutique. However, whether you are an executive who is building your wardrobe or a young man who needs your first men’s dress shirt for a new job, knowing how to buy dress shirts will help you achieve a professional look. The shirts you wear to work can either do wonders for image or simply leave people wondering. This year, if there’s one type of shirt you should avoid is the baggy, avoid loose fitting shirts at any cost unless if you are a hip hop artist. "Clothes do talk, like when you first meet someone in a loud and crowded bar. While you may not be able to hear what they are saying over the loud music, you can certainly see what they are trying to say by the shirt they are wearing,” says Carole Ingabire, a city based fashion model."Men should change to clothes that fit their bodies, nicely fitting shirts gives them a flattering look, says fashion designer Koij Juru.When selecting a slim-fit dress shirt, there are some things you need to be careful about. First verify whether buttonholes are hand-sewn. This stitching generally indicates high quality.Inspect the seam running down the side of the shirt. A high-quality garment has only one line of stitching visible on the side seam, while most shirts have two visible rows of stitches.Examine the shirt sleeve a couple of inches above the cuff for a gauntlet button. This button closes up your sleeve. A gauntlet button and a horizontally placed buttonhole are also good indicators of high quality craftsmanship.Check the ply count. This can be found on the shirt label. Finer dress shirts are made of two-ply instead of single-ply and the fabrics are stronger and softer.Then ensure the shirt fits well, bend your arm. Your sleeves should be long enough so that the cuffs do not ride up your wrist when you move your arm. If the sleeves of your shirt are not the right length, you’ll look silly. Imagine you’re handing out your business card and your hand is buried in the fabric. Then check that the cuffs are comfy. They should not hang over your hand. You should not be able to slip into shirt sleeves without first undoing buttons on the cuff. Also inspect the buttons. They should be well-placed, with no gaping holes exposing your chest. Also raise your arms. Check that shirt tails do not come out of your pants.