The Hater:I hate people who…

…use our streets as conference halls. I am really sick and tired of people who stop and gather on the street to hold useless conversations with their colleagues while blocking other road users.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

…use our streets as conference halls. I am really sick and tired of people who stop and gather on the street to hold useless conversations with their colleagues while blocking other road users. The fact that Kigali has clean streets should not be justification for some people to exercise their foolishness by forgetting that these streets are public property. If you want to have conversations please go to a restaurant, your home or simply hire a conference hall. By the way it would not be so bad if some of these people were arrested and allowed to have their conversations behind bars so I can walk peacefully. …prefer watching TV to doing their jobs. I am shocked that some people who are trained to handle firearms and then hired as security guards by banks, prefer to enter the banking hall and simply watch TV the whole time. I am not quite sure of how they maintain the security of the bank by watching Al Jazeera the whole time.  Some of these jokers, even have the time to flip through channels as if they are in the comfort of their home on a vacation. I just wish to know who hires such part time thinkers to guard our banks. They need to be fired just to remind them of what they are supposed to do.     …promise to be brief but forget soon after. Oh I really wish there was a violent way of reminding some people to shut up without getting in trouble with the law. I am talking about the jokers who stand up to speak at events and start by promising to be brief but then go ahead to speak until everyone is in sleep mode. Why do you make promises that you can’t keep. More importantly, why do you stop thinking the moment you open your mouth. I personally hate these people so much and please do not even allow them to speak on my funeral for I may just rise up and smack them in the face.      …are lousy at doing their job and cannot take positive criticism. This particular group of people is so annoying that if I had my way, I would not even write about them. Instead I would just put them on the list of people I must punch in the dace before I die. I just do not understand the fact that someone, who is incompetent at their job can also be the same person who gets angry each time you point out a mistake. I thought it was human to err and thus ok to be reminded and advised. I am now petitioning the ICC and our government to keep these people away from society. We just don’t need them.    Let me help you hate by sending your suggestions to or a text message to +250 788 545293