Ghanaians urged to learn from Rwanda’s history

Former head of Ghana’s UN Peace Keeping Mission in Rwanda, Major General Henry Kwame Anyidoho, is appealing to Ghanaians to reject hate-speeches.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Former head of Ghana’s UN Peace Keeping Mission in Rwanda, Major General Henry Kwame Anyidoho, is appealing to Ghanaians to reject hate-speeches.He said negative actions by political parties that can lead to violence in the run-up to the December polls must also be rejected.At a conference organised by the Forum for Governance and Justice in Accra, Anyidoho said, the Genocide against the Tutsi occurred as a result of hate speeches by political parties and in a matter of 100 days, over 1 million people lost their lives.He expressed the fear that the rate at which politicians traded insults and indulged in hate speeches could trigger a civil strife if not checked.He said the Genocide in Rwanda is a regrettable incident and challenged Ghanaians to tolerate each other to promote peace and unity.A member of the Committee for Joint Action and Managing Editor of the Insight Newspaper, Kwesi Pratt Jnr, said Ghanaians should criticise anyone in positions whose actions or comments do not augur well for the development of the country.