Uwinkindi seeks four months to prepare case

Genocide suspect, Jean Bosco Uwinkindi, who was transferred to Rwanda from ICTR last week, has requested for four months to prepare for his pre-trial proceedings.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Genocide suspect, Jean Bosco Uwinkindi, who was transferred to Rwanda from ICTR last week, has requested for four months to prepare for his pre-trial proceedings.Appearing before Judge John Byakatonda of Nyarugenge Intermediate Court, yesterday, Uwinkindi said he had just met a lawyer, Gatera Gashabana, in court."I am not ready to start my pre-trial hearing today because I don’t have a lawyer. I met Gatera in this courtroom just a while ago, I don’t know if he is the one who will defend me. I am requesting court to give me four months to prepare myself,” Uwinkindi said.It is at the pre-trial hearing that the accused is formally charged and requests for bail.Uwinkindi, a former pastor with the Pentecostal Church in Kanzenze, Bugesera in the former Kigali-Rural Prefecture, is charged with two counts; genocide and extermination as a crime against humanity. He is accused of unleashing killers on thousands of Tutsi refugees during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi.Gashabana concurred with his client, saying he also received a letter from the Bar Association assigning him to represent Uwinkindi in court.Prosecutor Ndibwami Rugamba did not object to Uwinkindi’s request but said the defendant was asking for too much time."Article 18 of the constitution states that every person has a right to legal representation. We believe his request should be considered. We concur with him, he should be given ample time to get lawyers, but let’s keep in mind that this is just a hearing of provisional detention,” said Rugamba.