Mourning over spilt milk? Not for me!

So what if he is gone? I will never understand why ladies give needless value to non-issues like a man walking out of their life. If he was the only surviving male on planet earth, I would understand.

Thursday, April 26, 2012
Lillian Nakayima

So what if he is gone? I will never understand why ladies give needless value to non-issues like a man walking out of their life. If he was the only surviving male on planet earth, I would understand. Whatever reason triggered the break-up, no man is worth a river of tears and I really mean it. If the split is fresh, self-pity and crying is ok, but what can define months of crying?  Maybe if you say the dude in question made the sun rise and fall on his command.Of course a break-up has to be painful because it represents the loss of commitment, shared dreams and promises. True, that love story started on a high note with a lot of expectations and it has sadly ended with barely any achievements but does he even recognize that?  If he did he wouldn’t have walked away it the first place.It’s indeed a pity that girls will go out of their way to act like needy puppies, chasing around already fed up guys. Females are naturally emotional, but that doesn’t defend the stupid way we often handle break-ups. Why act demented when a break-up is underway?Debbie, a friend of mine, became an emotional eater after losing her boyfriend. She justified her acts with, "I feel so alone and useless, anyway, who would care if I became obese.” For Carol, it was even worse. The Script’s break-up song never departed from her lips. I hear she is ‘Still alive but barely breathing’! How pathetic! Carol didn’t eat for days; she grasped any phone in her reach to call her ex-boyfriend, who ignored her calls.Ladies have gone on impossible missions to win ex-boyfriends’ affection back. Threats to take own life, attacking the guys’ current girlfriends, gossiping about how mean the exs’ are, characterise many ladies.Come to think of it, if you got back with a man because of the drama, would he ever take you seriously? He is not some sort of saint to be with you simply on the grounds of sympathy!  Besides, you can do better, hook up a better guy.  Seeing you move on would prove a better point than being all needy and desperate to get him back. For your information, any guy would fancy a woman who successfully moves on. Female drama and tears will simply not do.Healing from a break-up should be priority. Grieve the loss for just a while; there is a future ahead of you, with or without him.Talk to trusted friends about how you feel because sharing relieves. Cultivate new friendships and make yourself busy with something enjoyable. Concentrate on looking good and admirable, it will boost your self esteem. Focus on why you broke-up, he wasn’t a saint anyway. Avoid self-blame and self-pity. The end goal is moving on without being stuck with pain. Let go, and do it in a perfect way.