When you are lost, speed doesn’t equal direction

“Free at last”, we screamed when civilisation knocked on our door, as we broke free from cultural and religious principles. The newly found freedom tasted so sweet that we forgot all about diabetes and teeth decay. With glue that held us together broken, now we can do whatever we love to do without worrying about a thing.

Thursday, April 26, 2012
Martin Bishop

"Free at last”, we screamed when civilisation knocked on our door, as we broke free from cultural and religious principles. The newly found freedom tasted so sweet that we forgot all about diabetes and teeth decay. With glue that held us together broken, now we can do whatever we love to do without worrying about a thing.Even though that is the case, we still love to pretend that we still hold culture and religious value near and dear. Isn’t it why we go to church on Sunday (as long it doesn’t rain) and watch traditional dance on TVR, if E! channel isnt showing ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’?We strongly believe that education and financial success is the only thing and everything. We believe that attaining this will enable us to pay the piper thus call for any tune we desire.Take example of our sisters. They are smart, focused, their self esteem has hit the ceiling and they are even developing Goliath-like financial muscles. But with the absence of strong cultural and religious values, they act too busy to settle down and start a family. The thought of carrying a baby in their 24 size waist for 9 months doesn’t settle down well with some, because it means tampering with their figures and putting their careers on hold. The daring ones get married just to silence their ‘unsophisticated’ parents and relative and to complete their CV. Many tie the knot while working out the divorce arithmetic (just in case.)As for the guys, the responsibility of being a father is way too much for them. But now, to be viewed as a respectable member of society and even have a shot to a job promotion you need to have a ring. Some close their eyes and get it over with, to them, walking down the aisle is just like jostling for another degree course.When these two meet and have children, the best they can do is to buy them I-Pads and let them Goggle and navigate their way through the maze of life. Until we go back to our roots, listen, read and learn from our cultural and religious leaders, we are cruising in the wrong direction at breakneck speed.