University students form unity club

NORTHERN PROVINCE MUSANZE — Students of the Institute of Agricultural Science and Animal Husbandry - ISAE Busogo have formed a unity and reconciliation club with an aim of stemming the genocide ideology and fostering unity among students.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


MUSANZE — Students of the Institute of Agricultural Science and Animal Husbandry - ISAE Busogo have formed a unity and reconciliation club with an aim of stemming the genocide ideology and fostering unity among students.

SCUR-Students Club for unity and reconciliation was officially launched last Sunday. The club members vowed to make fellow students appreciate their role in conflict management in society and fighting genocide ideology.

Léon Hitimana, the elected president of the association observed that the elite in particular should first change their attitudes and draw lessons from Rwanda’s distorted past in order to fight genocide ideology in schools and out side.

After series of poems, plays and songs depicting genocide and its effects and where it occurred, students committed themselves to disseminate the message of unity and reconciliation to secondary students and families.

Shaka Gakuba, who spoke on behalf of the institution stressed that students should be flag bearers and light to the society, by resisting evil and pushing for change and development.
