Every suspect must have their day in court

Editor, According to this newspaper, Genocide suspect Jean Bosco Uwinkindi will be produced in court this week. I have no doubt that Uwindinki, despite his inhumane crimes, he will benefit from Rwanda’s fair justice.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Editor,According to this newspaper, Genocide suspect Jean Bosco Uwinkindi will be produced in court this week. I have no doubt that Uwindinki, despite his inhumane crimes, he will benefit from Rwanda’s fair justice. The people who were brutally slaughtered during the 1994 Genocide aganist Tutsi were innocent, they had committed no crime other than the fact that they were born Tutsi.Uwinkindi lucky he’s in the hands of a new Rwanda, where capital punishment is no more, and where even the most notorious criminals can get a linient sentence provided they said nothing but the truth and expressed remorse.Justin BahiziNyamata