Why do women go after bad boys and then turn around and say all men are bad?

I will be the first to admit that men sometimes indulge in a number of vices, but hey, not all men hurt their girlfriends. If you have a problem with your boy friend, why don’t you say “I hate my boy friend” instead of saying “I hate men” because, seriously, what have all men done to you?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Some men are a blessing to their women. Net photo.

I will be the first to admit that men sometimes indulge in a number of vices, but hey, not all men hurt their girlfriends. If you have a problem with your boy friend, why don’t you say "I hate my boy friend” instead of saying "I hate men” because, seriously, what have all men done to you? Remember that while you curse out all men, some lady is saying "my boy friend is amazing.”I was walking down the street when I saw a teenager wearing a shirt, with a picture depicting a lady cooking a man.  Under the picture was the statement, ‘HOW TO DROP A BOY FRIEND’. Wow.  While I can understand the lady’s grievance but I think it was disrespectful for all the real gentle men out there, men who are blessing to their women.An ugly encounter with one or two men doesn’t make all of us bad. Each person’s character is different from the next person’s, and this applies to behaviour as well. No offence to any lady out there, but I suggest you look for a good guy and stop generalising. Be honest to yourself and realise that you made bad choices. That doesn’t mean that men are angels or anything like that. But, surely you must realise that some men do their best to be the best they can for the ones they love.It’s about time that we probe the assumption that has insidiously worked its way into our culture. The notion that women are the guardians of goodness and grace while us men, Neanderthals to some, are emissaries of the Dark Side. This simply isnt true, the good men out there must be given their due.