Address inefficiencies in service delivery

Potential investors have faulted the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) over the inefficiencies that plagued its online business registration platform.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Potential investors have faulted the Rwanda Development Board (RDB) over the inefficiencies that plagued its online business registration platform. The Private Sector Federation (PSF), the umbrella body of the local business community, says that entrepreneurs have complained about the issue several times.RDB has acknowledged that the service is indeed wanting and has pledged to make it more efficient and user- friendly, but failed to explain the shortcomings of the platform, which was aimed at easing the registration of businesses in the country.Last year, the RDB undertook to fix the problem, yet it still persists today. People, who would have registered their businesses online, are therefore forced to commute to RDB headquarters in Kigali which, as a result, is always overcrowded.This platform’s failure must be rectified as soon as possible if the country is to maintain its reputation as an ideal investment destination of choice. While ICT-enabled systems are bound to breakdown from time to time, institutions have a Duty of Care to inform the public about such situations as soon as possible and to rectify them at the earliest opportunity. We will settle for nothing less.