Truckers unhappy with lack of medical insurance

Rwandan truck drivers have cited lack of health insurance among the problems hindering their work, appealing to concerned authorities to take immediate action.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Rwandan truck drivers have cited lack of health insurance among the problems hindering their work, appealing to concerned authorities to take immediate action.The issue was highlighted yesterday in a meeting to release findings on the situation of HIV among truck drivers and their sexual partners at stopovers in the country. 195 drivers were interviewed at various stopovers from all borders. The research conducted by a private researcher, Desire Kamanzi, also aimed at seeking solutions to problems affecting drivers who transport goods from ports to the hinterland.It’s said the truck owners only insure their vehicles leaving drivers to cater for their medical bills."It’s true they have these problems but now we are discussing with their employers to ensure that health insurance and mobile health kits are provided,” Theodore Murenzi, the Secretary General of Rwanda Long Distance Truck Drivers Union (ACPLRWA), said.