Children of Kigali Parents talk about their first day at school

 “Day one is not a challenge because I am a candidate. I am warming up for the national examination so I have to be steady.” Loic Katarebe, 12, P.6.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Loic Katarebe

 "Day one is not a challenge because I am a candidate. I am warming up for the national examination so I have to be steady.” Loic Katarebe, 12, P.6. "I am motivated from day one to work harder so that I can perform well in the Primary Leaving Exams and join the best school next year.”Modeste Gahindiro, 12, P.6. "Last term I was the second and I want to improve. I set goals on the first day to help me aim higher.  I will cut down on playing and ask my teacher to help me make a revision table.”Denise Shyaka, 12, P.5. "I don’t really like day one because that is when I miss the food, movies and friends who visited me during the holiday most.”Lisa Kirezi, 12, p.6. "I am happy that the holiday is over. I am more than excited to be around my friends and teachers whom I have missed for the last three weeks.”Debora Kamikazi, 11, P.5. "I think the holidays were too long because I missed my friends and teachers. I am so glad to be back.”Ornera Benera, 10, P.5. "Day one at school is great because I unite with my friends again.  However I tend to miss my sisters who leave for other schools too.”Jonan Manzi, 12, P.5."I want to excel in PLE so I am working twice as hard this term. It all starts with the first day of school.” Gad Cyiza, 12, P.6.