Learn to say sorry

Sorry is a simple word but it carries a lot of meaning. It is important to apologise to someone you have hurt because it means you are sorry. Imagine if someone did something bad to you, wouldn’t you want them to apologise to you?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Sorry is a simple word but it carries a lot of meaning. It is important to apologise to someone you have hurt because it means you are sorry. Imagine if someone did something bad to you, wouldn’t you want them to apologise to you? Even if what happened was an accident or something you didn’t mean, it is still good to apologise.  It will make both you and the person you hurt feel better. An apology means you are trying to make things right between you and the one you wronged.The Bible tells us to be good to our neighbours and that includes apologising when you have done something wrong. As a child, your heart is still young and pure and full of all the good things children have. Sorry is one of those things. After you apologise, try not to make the same mistake again. Be respectful to your friends and their feelings. If you make someone cry, tomorrow someone might make you cry. When you apologise to someone, they forgive you. It will help you make even more friends because no one wants to play with a mean child. So be nice and people will also be nice to you.