Words can make a difference

Talking is the most common means of communication. On many occasions words are uttered without thought and this sometimes leads to misperception. So often we say things we are joking about only to be taken seriously.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Talking is the most common means of communication. On many occasions words are uttered without thought and this sometimes leads to misperception. So often we say things we are joking about only to be taken seriously. If I use judgemental words with someone else, they too will judge me back when my time comes - probably with more passion as they still carry the anger and resentment my words placed in them. Words of kindness and acceptance will generate a warm and appreciative reaction in a person. That person’s response will be calmer because it will have all the appropriate emotions created by the kind words. We need to understand the power of words. Thoughts are great but they are internal. Words have more power because they not only affect an individual, but the people around them too. Successful people take control of their words, rather than letting their words control them. They are conscious of the power these words unleash. They understand that they need to speak positively in order to succeed. They know the importance of words that will build self-esteem and confidence, relationships and possibilities. They speak words of affirmation, encouragement, love, acceptance and appreciation.To succeed, the words we speak need to be in alignment with what we want to see in life –our visions and dreams. Your words will determine your destiny. More importantly, your words will make a positive difference on the people you interact with every day. Before you speak ask yourself; Is what I am about to say going to uplift the listener? Will it inspire and motivate them? Will it dissolve fear and create safety and trust? Learn what to say and when to say it. Even when the truth hurts, there is always a better way to bring out words that will surely put down another person.