Thanks for the Remera- Kabeza road

Dear editor, Any one who was used to poor the kabeza- Remera road, must be having a glow on his or her face, owing to the fact that the formerly dusty and congested road, has been worked upon, and the pedestrian pathways also constructed. This has greatly has eased the problem of congestions.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Dear editor,

Any one who was used to poor the kabeza- Remera road, must be having a glow on his or her face, owing to the fact that the formerly dusty and congested road, has been worked upon, and the pedestrian pathways also constructed. This has greatly has eased the problem of congestions.

I therefore take this chance to thank which ever power is behind the construction of that vital route because it is also a route that connects to our airport.

I pray that the same gifted hands, and compassionate hearts, come to the rescue of the residents of kicukiro Sahara, and construct the ‘sonatube’-sahara road. We shall be grateful if our cry is heard, and we promise our unreserved cooperation.
