RDB’s overall performance is world class

Editor, This is with reference to your article in yesterday’s issue of The New Times titled “RDB criticised over faulty online business registration.”

Wednesday, April 25, 2012
The business registration office at RDB. The NewTimes / File.

Editor,This is with reference to your article in yesterday’s issue of The New Times titled "RDB criticised over faulty online business registration.”We must first appreciate the fact that the Rwanda Development Board is always pro-active to the needs of its customers, whether they are local businesses or international companies looking at investing in the country.Realising that the Business Development Centres, all over the country, were not performing as desired, RDB decided to re-look at this model and privatise where required. This clearly shows their firm intent to simplify procedures for the local business community. Once this privatisation process is completed, the BDCs, even in distant corners of the provinces, will assist and facilitate local entrepreneurs with all registration and other formalities.An "online business registration” itself, is a very innovative and ambitious model of registering a business, from the comfort of one’s home or office. However, sometimes connectivity does put a damper on such an innovation. I am sure RDB will look into the issues affecting the online registration system and will definitely fix it.As Ms Louise Kanyonga, the Registrar General, said, RDB registers around 60 to 80 businesses daily. This, in itself, is a great achievement and RDB definitely needs to be applauded for working at such an enormous pace and performing so well, even under immense pressure.We must also look at the positive side, that if so many businesses are registered on a daily basis, it sends out a very clear signal that the Government of Rwanda is determined to fast track the growth and development of this beautiful country and make Rwanda a model for other nations to emulate.Clarence Fernandesclavinmarketing@gmail.com