Strive to contribute positively to society

As a teenager, how best do you think you can contribute to society? Many teens are considered lazy because of their inability to do anything other than sit home and watch TV.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

As a teenager, how best do you think you can contribute to society? Many teens are considered lazy because of their inability to do anything other than sit home and watch TV. Teen years are the most interesting because this is when you learn more about yourself. These are the years when you are most likely to make mistakes because you are simply still learning. These good or bad decisions will help shape you and pave the way for what you will be in the future. Today’s teens have the ability to strengthen themselves for the good of society. You can choose to live by God’s values or those of the world. You can be your parents’ pride or their biggest problem. You can be society’s gem or its worst nightmare. If, in the future, you want to be a good leader, you must learn to serve others too. Practice the golden rule by doing to others what you would want them do to you. Share your talents and ability and help wherever there seems to be help needed. A strong society is built on the foundation of people who not only care for themselves, but for others too. Jose Rizal’s belief in the youth is encouraging. The youth are the hope of our nation. And we are. Being the country’s future, we need to start planning how best to solve our problems. This is why education is important and shouldn’t be taken for granted. If we study hard and contribute towards the growth of our society, there’s hope for a glorious Rwanda. You can start with loving and respecting God in every way. You should give your parents the love and respect they deserve too as the holy books tell us to honour them. Extend that respect to your neighbours and fellow country men. If the number of teenagers engaging in drugs and alcohol is completely eradicated, the future will be even brighter. Education is the way forward. Through this, we become aware of values like loving and serving our country.We can be the guardians of our environment by protecting Mother Nature. If we all come together, we can surely make a good impact on society.