What if consumer ignorance is the driver of your sales?

So you have been seeing a rise in sales with a higher demand for your service or product. But  are you wondering where it is coming from or what would be behind this? Think of monopoly, your service dominance or your advertisements or market strategy.

Monday, April 23, 2012

So you have been seeing a rise in sales with a higher demand for your service or product. But  are you wondering where it is coming from or what would be behind this? Think of monopoly, your service dominance or your advertisements or market strategy.But what if consumer ignorance is responsible for the rising sales of your business?Most consumers find themselves without any right to demand what kind of services they want. Some hardly know what their money is worth in relation to a service or commodity. This alone may increase your sales and more people would consume your service/product, not necessarily because they need but because they do no know whether its worth.Consumers may tend to consume a product just because they lack time to test other services or products or because they affiliate it to other networks that they associate with; they may not have time to shop elsewhere. So, that does not mean that your business is preferable to others; its down to consumers ignorance.The magical element to turn consumers ignorance into a major tool for sustained growth in sales is by stepping in before others to educate on why consumers need to pay for your service. It is not just a warm welcome nor a smile-the so called customer care. Let consumers know the difference between your service and other services; this will create trust and confidence in them. Remember sincerity and trust are the drivers to customer retention. Continue caring for your clients; listen to their problems, provide a good environment and never cut customer service costs because your clients keep coming. Pick up calls, make calls or is assurance that you value your clients money? Provide attractive and affordable price packages. Price reduction through promotions would really work.If you do this, you will be able to retain your clients who might be buying your service or product out of ignorance to become a strong foundation for your business.