Reading a necessity in life

Editor, I was impressed with the opinion piece by Oscar Kimanuka, titled ‘Why Rwandans need to embrace the reading culture, which was published in The New Times of “April, 23.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Editor, I was impressed with the opinion piece by Oscar Kimanuka, titled ‘Why Rwandans need to embrace the reading culture, which was published in The New Times of "April, 23.Considering that the number of libraries has been increasing lately especially in the City of Kigali, everybody should take this opportunity and read extensively. In this day and age, someone who doesn’t read widely, to get informed about what is happening around them will surely be left behind.Computer and paper literacy can’t be archived without reading. Many jobs today that are life-sustaining need someone who can read and write. With that in mind, being just an ordinary reader wouldn’t be enough to stand up to the stiff competition for jobs today.PatrickRulindo