Eastern Africa Standby Force experts meet in Kigali

Military experts from the Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) are meeting in Kigali to discuss how to operationalise logistics support for the Brigade.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Military experts from the Eastern Africa Standby Force (EASF) aremeeting in Kigali to discuss how to operationalise logistics supportfor the Brigade.The meeting, that draws experts from 10 countries of Eastern Africa,will end Friday.According to the organisers, EASF 2010-2015 strategic plan envisages alogistic system capable of supporting the deployment and sustainmentof regional capabilities, initially by 2013 and full operation by endof 2015.EASF is a constituent organisation of the African Standby Force (ASF),which falls under the African Union (AU).The establishment of the organisation in 2004 followed theratification of the AU Peace and Security Protocol by the 1st OrdinarySession of the Assembly of the African Union in Durban, 9 July 2002.Currently, the EASF is composed of 10 active member States, includingBurundi, Comoros, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, Seychelles,Somalia, Sudan and Uganda.