The story of a man who became a crocodile

Longtime ago in the village of Kwaka , there lived a very beautiful girl called Esnathi and many men wished her to be their wife.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Longtime ago in the village of Kwaka , there lived a very beautiful girl called Esnathi and many men wished her to be their wife.

However, Esnathi wanted a handsome and honest man who worked very hard to support his family.

A man should be honest and handsome. He should be able to work very hard and look after his family." Esnathi told the men.

But there was a man called Rugero, who day and night prayed that one day, Esnathi would become his wife.

One day, Rugero visited a well known traditional healer (a witch doctor) called Sengoga, to ask for magic or some traditional medicine that would make Esnathi fall in love with him.

"So you want Esnathi’s hand in marriage?" The Great Sengoga asked Rugero. Yes Oh Great one, I will do any thing to win her love", Rugero quickly confessed.

"I see…" Sengoga said as he took a quick drink from his calabash. First of all tell me, what does Esnathi like doing most?" Sengoga asked Rugero.

Esnathi likes fishing. I have often seen her at the river catching fish. She likes eating fish very much," Rugero told him. "Now this is very good news indeed," Sengoga said while smiling.

Really? How oh Great one?’’ Rugero was very excited. I can give you some special magic provided you will be able to pay for for it.". " I am able to pay any thing for Esnathi", Rugero confirmed.

I am glad to hear that, this is how it works, "I will give you some special magic that will change you into a crocodile, and back again into a human being whenever you wish." Sengoga told Rugero. But oh Great one, how will changing into a crocodile help me win Esnathi’s love? Rugero was curious.

"Just wait and I explain to you" Sengoga was almost angry at Rugero’s interruption. No traditional healer likes to doubt his magical powers! Sengoga said in a loud voice.

"I am sorry oh Great one" Rugero quickly apologised. "It’s alright, but please never doubt me again," he warned him.

Now this is how changing into a crocodile will help you, Sengoga continued, "when ever Esnathi will be fishing, you will be able to watch her from the water as a crocodile.

One day you will have to get closer to her, without her noticing you, and then you will splash some water at her with your tail. She will be confused and fall into the water.

To be continued…