Go back to school

Welcome back from where you had all gone for holidays. I guess some of you didn’t want the holidays to end.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Welcome back from where you had all gone for holidays. I guess some of you didn’t want the holidays to end.

Probably you may have wished the ministry of education to add you some other weeks.

For those who wished like that, does not worry, in few weeks, second term’s vacation will have knocked the door.

Shake your self from all that weakness you had developed during holiday time. This time round you won’t wake up at 10:00 am, as you have been doing in the past three weeks.

It is school time; you need to be punctual at school. Your teachers will not accept children who arrive at school late.

They expect you to respect the arrival time in the morning, so if you had developed the habit of over sleeping, better stop now.
