Investment Group seeks to establish partnership

International Local Development Co-international Consortium (ILDC), an investment and development group has a vision of developing a program dubbed ‘the 8 keys for life’, is seeking to start investment in Rwanda.

Sunday, April 22, 2012
Prime Minister Pierre Damien Habumuremyi (L) with the ILDC Chairperson, Huan Shan. The Sunday Times/ John Mbanda.

International Local Development Co-international Consortium (ILDC), an investment and development group has a vision of developing a program dubbed ‘the 8 keys for life’, is seeking to start investment in Rwanda.The 8 keys for life program is meant to be developed in the Middle East, Africa, Asia and South America through leveraging the local natural resources in partnership with local governments.After her meeting with Prime Minister Pierre Damien Habumuremyi yesterday, Huan Shan, the ILDC Chairperson, said that they want to partner with the government to implement the development program that will benefit the public."Our development program aims at improving livelihoods through access to health care, water, electricity, literacy, infrastructure, transport, development of agriculture and protection of the environment among others,”Huan said.She emphasized that ILDC isn’t a humanitarian group but a development group with an objective of bringing new solutions to the social, economic and educational development of various countries.Huan stated that Rwanda has the same vision as theirs which is why they have chosen to bring it on board.She further stated that ILDC uses technology suitable to a nation through knowing the existing difficulties of each country and avoids mistakes done in development countries thus helping the population.ILDC is made up of 35 international companies that combine capacities to undertake urban and industrial development throughout the world using ‘the 8 key of life’ program.